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The Faunt Token release is the fund raising operation of the Fauna Chain Project and for the purposes of Crypto community enrichment.
The Fauna Chain Project is a charity, its current structure is that of a Unincorporated Charitable Association, under UK law. A copy of our Charter and Written Constitution or Governing Document are available on request. This current structure places our four Trustees at greater personal financial and legal risk than would be afforded to Trustees of an Incorporated Charity structure. This however, means that we are bound to keep on the straight and narrow, and to take every step we make with great diligence. This affords more safety to our token holders and future investors.
The UK Charities Act 2011 outlines the formal 13 Charitable Purposes into which all charities should fall, Fauna Chain is proclaimed under the 11th, 12th & 13th Purposes, namely that of:
*The advancement of environmental protection or improvement.
*The relief of those in need, by reason of youth, age, ill-health, disability, financial hardship or other disadvantage.
*The advancement of animal welfare.
So, Fauna Chain is an Environmental project with the aim of also uplifting the local communities who live along side wildlife and natural habitats, using advanced blockchain and A.I. technology. Please visit our main Project site for more information:
Actual Tokenomics
Total Capped Supply: 1,000,000,000 (1 billion tokens)
Total Circulating Supply: 800,000,000 (800 million tokens)
Total Held by Team: 200,000,000 (200 million tokens)
Token Mintibility: revoked
Token Freezability: revoked
Update and Immutabilty: revoked:
80% of all tokens have been released onto the open market.
The 20% held by the team in the Author wallet are not currently under spend duress or liability.
No VC holdings.
No special interest group holdings.
All of the team currently have full time employment in their respective industries of expertise, and thus, are not drawing any form of remuneration or demand from the projects resources.